We extoll the light, but darkness also pervades the Bible
Most often as nefarious
Throughout Bible darkness is commensurate with malevolence
Opposite of light – satanic even
Evil deeds done under the cloak of night
How, at the crucifixion, darkness fell over the face of the land
The chaos of darkness as a the prelude to creation
Walk as children of light
Once in darkness now in light
People walked in darkness have seen a great light
Either darkness or light
Darkness cannot be overcome by the light
One candle usurps darkness
And nightlights are plugged in to comfort us lest there be monsters under our bed or in the hall closet.
So why then to people of faith in the Bible so much vital and deep happened at night?
Divine mystery shrouded in darkness
The nighttime encounters with divine –
in dreams,
in the promise to Abraham of descendants as numerous as stars across the galaxy,
how Exodus took place at night,
and thick darkness on the mountain enclosing Moses and ten commandments,
Paul losing his sight,
Jesus’ birth at night and the shepherd out in the fields watching their flock by night,
Jesus alone at prayer deep in the nighttime.
What is it about the darkness that unnerves, disturbs, but also reveals?
How darkness can draw us closer
Turn toward the nighttime – in aloneness, in silence
The dark mystery reminding us of our dependence, our frailty, out need for other senses than sight
Yes, darkness showing us how growth requires sunlight but the soul also requires darkness
Tears allowed to flow unseen
And light pollutions steals an appreciation of the stars
The helplessness of darkness
Our nighttime realization of our lack of control
An instructive disorientation when waking up in the middle of the night -- where did I put my glasses…
Then the Solitude
The Aloneness
The Time for reflection
A hiddenness, where darkness leads toward an appreciation for light
Do we not then also need darkness?
Those dark nights of the soul that drive us to our knees and closer to God
And a darkness sharpened by the light – where the shadows become more distinct