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  • Writer's pictureRobert John Andrews

Poems: The Curse of Eden

The Curse of Eden


The curse of Eden

This may seem odd to say

But Eden is our real sin

We were never meant to stay

Where happiness is guaranteed

Bucolic fountains of wine

God meeting our every need

Soft, safe, cruelly benign


Nothing demanding our trying

Nothing there to sweat for

Nothing there worth striving

No horizons to explore

Nothing we struggle to earn

Nothing we fear to lose

Nothing that pricks our concern

No freedom to choose


Fruit always ripe and juicy

Us pats cared for, comfortable

Rousseau’s damn monotony

We’re better when vulnerable

Thank God we got shoved outside

Lest we ate the other tree’s fruit

And ended up with death denied

The curse of eternal ease absolute


An eternity of knowing we are separate

Kindness in pushed into the wilderness

Freed to strive and fail now our fate

Lonely us tasting sweetness and bitterness

We ate the fruit that made us learn

The difference between good and evil

Just as toddlers must grow to discern

How life is full of suffering and upheaval


Sent outside is the price of being human

Men and women meant to be restless

Needing each other’s encouraging union

Never being quite happy makes life precious

The trick is suffering and loving together

Richer and tougher for paying the price

Taking care of each other wherever

Yes, beloved ones, there’s your paradise

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